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¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #FrozenThrone
Hoy, como no podía ser de otra manera, le toca a... ¡SINDRAGOSA!
Artista: Alex Horley
Hunters in #Hearthstone are well known for their aggressive, sticky minions. More in our Class Overview and Guide: https://t.co/MCDAcmNU6Y
Learn about #Hearthstone's quest system and maximize your gold gain! https://t.co/MRj0qXYJMr
Resultado do meu trabalho para o desafio 2Mind, da parceria deles com o Hearthstone, Jaina Proudmoore!
Check out the @Damdam_hs' version of Highlander Priest he climbed to #5 Legend with! https://t.co/aJ0GwIeK4H #Hearthstone
Don't want to play Murlocs in Paladin? Check out this Top 200 Legend Control Paladin by @F2K_weghuz: https://t.co/pIvTND2DvX #Hearthstone
New to #Hearthstone? Our Beginner's Guide is exactly where you should start. https://t.co/CInZEj5x5m
In #Hearthstone, you really need to optimize your trading to ensure board control. Our guide: https://t.co/299qVQkqU0
¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #FrozenThrone
Hoy, 'Estatua de obsidiana' de sacerdote.
Artista: @AJ_Nazzaro
Ava from the Hearthstone cinematic! love the style they used.
....praise rngesus!
Check out a more aggressive version of Tempo Warrior from @SparkazHS. Should work well against Druids! https://t.co/ywMugPGBDB #Hearthstone
¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #FrozenThrone
Hoy la 'Protectora justa' de paladín.
Artista: Eugene Dlinnov
A blast (or burst, Lava Burst) from the past! @Ike__HS was playing Overload Aggro Shaman yesterday. https://t.co/irHfFlxTos #Hearthstone
Here's our first compilation of the best and most interesting #FrozenThrone #Hearthstone Legend decks: https://t.co/Xz2rAmJVz8
Check out @G2Thijs's Control Frost Lich Jaina Mage! https://t.co/eYdLnZoo17 #Hearthstone #FrozenThrone
¡LA CARTA DEL DÍA! #Hearthstone #FrozenThrone
Hoy carta neutral, 'Fanática contaminada'.
Artista: Jesper Ejsing
ícone encomendado pelo Rodrigo Paladini, jogador de Hearthstone! https://t.co/Ouw0LcfSq4