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Want to improve your rank? We've gathered a few tips for climbing the ladder in an unstable meta: https://t.co/DaVnjwDbkI

3 10

Rogue fans - be sure to try out this Jade Rogue deck (w/ Plague Scientist) from ! https://t.co/uo3AC2Jlr0

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Por aquí el arte completo de la carta Rexxar Mortacechador.

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"Suffer mortals as your pathetic magic betraaaaaaaaays you!" -

10 30

Flying to tomorrow. Hope to see in her natural habitat. Also last WIP pic for my Blood-Queen Lana'thel 🐡

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Beautiful "Val'Kyr SoulClaimer" card art by
Hideaki Takamura (2017)

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Be sure to check out our list of the five best decks so far: https://t.co/rafSwHQK7p

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft artwork (18 images added) https://t.co/NoRWS8pijg

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It's hard to believe, but was rocking with Prince 3 in Ramp Druid - in Legend! https://t.co/l9FVfdqGQa

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Handbuff Paladin is played by in Legend on his stream right now! https://t.co/DnY8I1Hsa8

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¡GUL'DAN SAQUEASANGRE os da los buenos días!

Aquí os dejamos el arte completo de la carta, ¿lo tenéis ya en vuestro poder?

10 49

¿Cuántos vais a domesticar al intrépido GARRAPARTHAS el primer día de 'Caballeros del Trono Helado'?

4 34

¿Qué os parece el arte de la cara 'Jaina La Exánime'?

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This Week's Tavern Brawl (#113) is ShiftCon - Shifter Zerus madness! More info and strategy here: https://t.co/Ip23j74vzs

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So rad! 🤩 "Keening Banshee" + "Tainted Zealot" by Jesper Ejsing

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Learn about quest system and maximize your gold gain! https://t.co/MRj0qXYJMr

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