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#Gamestruck4 I could had just filled mine with ZX Spectrum games but these were a bit different!
These helped distract me from the horrible things going on in my life as a preteen/teenager
First, FF7 struck me hard
Then, SOTN came
Next, Rockman Dash (in English though!)
And Fate/Stay Night, the game
#GameStruck4 #SingItTothePokemonTheme
#Gamestruck4 Time Spent. FFXI with over 8 years played, over 3 years logged in, and an ex-wife met here. DA:O I've probably seen every ending and dialog possible. FFVI multiple playthrus and so much grinding. FFX with over 400 hrs of blitzball alone.
Really had to think about this. Tetris, kh, and gw2 are obvious but I couldn’t think of a fourth formative and tbh I’ve never played halo single person, but pvp LAN parties were a highlight of high school even though I sucked. #Gamestruck4
Some of the anime that influenced me the most
Sailor Moon
Ah Megumi sama
Yami no matsuei
Kami kaze Kaitou Jeanne
And about a billion others xD (like Rayearth, x99, fushigi yuugi, st tail, utena, ranma 1/2, bronze, ugh I can’t even remember then all lol
When my head makes me remember songs/quotes of these 4 is the best thing #GameStruck4
Here are the 4 games that had the most impact on me and changed my life in some way #GameStruck4
Super Mario World - my childhood <3
Pokémon Platinum - got me into the Pokémon francise
Explorers of Darkness - one of the few games that made me cry
Oblivion - my first real PC game
If you took all the hours I sunk into my #GameStruck4, they'd probably come out to more hours than I've spent sleeping. I owe all of these games for helping me awaken my love of stories as well as my own personal narrative voice (yes, even blazblue!).
Allez #GameStruck4 #GameStuck4 (au choix 8D)
(ça a été chaud d'en prendre que 4. J'aurais pu mettre un Zelda, ou même GuildWars2, même si un peu trop récent pour dire qu'il a "forgé" ma personnalité de gamer xD. Et Pokémon, j'aurais pu mettre n'importe lequel tbh (à part XY)
All so close to my heart ❤️ (ToS is definitely #1 forever tho) #gamestruck4
This challenge gave me a headache
Street Fighter II
Chrono Trigger
Always was a fan of JRPGs, especially the @FinalFantasy and @KINGDOMHEARTS series! But as long as a game was fun overall, I loved it! #gamestruck4