画質 高画質

I could had just filled mine with ZX Spectrum games but these were a bit different!

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These helped distract me from the horrible things going on in my life as a preteen/teenager

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First, FF7 struck me hard
Then, SOTN came
Next, Rockman Dash (in English though!)
And Fate/Stay Night, the game

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Time Spent. FFXI with over 8 years played, over 3 years logged in, and an ex-wife met here. DA:O I've probably seen every ending and dialog possible. FFVI multiple playthrus and so much grinding. FFX with over 400 hrs of blitzball alone.

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Really had to think about this. Tetris, kh, and gw2 are obvious but I couldn’t think of a fourth formative and tbh I’ve never played halo single person, but pvp LAN parties were a highlight of high school even though I sucked.

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Kay so I'm doing this thing

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Some of the anime that influenced me the most

Sailor Moon
Ah Megumi sama
Yami no matsuei
Kami kaze Kaitou Jeanne

And about a billion others xD (like Rayearth, x99, fushigi yuugi, st tail, utena, ranma 1/2, bronze, ugh I can’t even remember then all lol

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When my head makes me remember songs/quotes of these 4 is the best thing

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Here are the 4 games that had the most impact on me and changed my life in some way

Super Mario World - my childhood <3
Pokémon Platinum - got me into the Pokémon francise
Explorers of Darkness - one of the few games that made me cry
Oblivion - my first real PC game

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I'm getting there to Stormblood T_T

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If you took all the hours I sunk into my they'd probably come out to more hours than I've spent sleeping. I owe all of these games for helping me awaken my love of stories as well as my own personal narrative voice (yes, even blazblue!).

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Allez (au choix 8D)
(ça a été chaud d'en prendre que 4. J'aurais pu mettre un Zelda, ou même GuildWars2, même si un peu trop récent pour dire qu'il a "forgé" ma personnalité de gamer xD. Et Pokémon, j'aurais pu mettre n'importe lequel tbh (à part XY)

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All so close to my heart ❤️ (ToS is definitely forever tho)

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This challenge gave me a headache

Street Fighter II
Chrono Trigger

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Always was a fan of JRPGs, especially the and series! But as long as a game was fun overall, I loved it!

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