画質 高画質


The programme🛰️🇪🇺 makes it possible to keep track of our planet's health.

Its full, free, and open data is essential to monitor and to mitigate the damaging effects of

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Been seeing a lot of howls moving castle lately and I've been rereading the book because of it. So heres a grumpy howl saying he likes to live like a slob and ur not allowed to see his 2 monitors and light up keyboard. (n also all my sketches)

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Turns out my new monitor is kinda desaturated, so when I view this pic anywhere else the colors were ultra intense. Gotta figure out a fix for this, but in the meantime this version should be a little less extreme.

4 15

It's a slow go working on a tablet that isn't the monitor, I'm realizing how spoiled I really have been. I'm still working when I can! Bruno is starting to come to life now in episode 31 At this pace, maybe I'll be updating Matriarch next Sun?

0 1

Very rough and quick of the Using modern and other to base it off. The skull matches very closely with the

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Have a widescreen monitor? Go ahead and make your background image today's APOD and thank me later. Absolutely mesmerizing.

"Just Another Day on Aerosol Earth"


14 80

After a very exhausting conversation that really riled me up in all possible ways I went home, printed out this artwork and attached it to my computer monitor the next day 🙃 (She saw it but never said anything about this subject to me ever again.)

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Kittrel has updated the Eyrie Megapack on Telegram with chibi hearts of Rybalt, Iony, and a weald monitor =] Rybalt and the lizard are on the cover of Reevesbane; Iony we just felt bad for.

You can get the sticker megapack here: https://t.co/N6CY4NTPwY

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What they aren't, as some folks have assumed, are shock collars despite the resemblance! They're interpersonal communicators which carry unique information about the wearer, as well as monitor vital life signs. They're fairly modular and can be synced to a whole range of devices.

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Here's what we got from tonight's stream! The past three days of Vault hunters! I am so proud of Zero's helmet emoticon qwq
Again, when I get a better monitor, the finished pics will be uploaded to Patreon!

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Today came to further inspect the situation of the Road and dilapidated Drainages after receiving a tweet from us.
This is a responsive Government indeed we shall monitor to ensure the right thing is done. This RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD BE COLLECTIVELY.1/2

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i got a new Monitor Tablet^TM today

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Me: I don’t need a third monitor
Also me: I get paid from twitch and have 10% off from Best Buy for my birthday? say less

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Jeez. I had to take a couple hours to line up these monitors individually, and they had to be matched up with the mesh for the monitor's glass. Tough stuff but it was worth it.

0 53

It's Monday, you know what that means! Vault Hunter week!
Starting it off strong with Zane!
I want to finish it but my monitor is bad and I need to get a new one before shading.
(I'll probably post the finished one on patreon later)

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MonitorsEnabled := [6]bool{true, true, true, true, true, true}


3 10

Coelho chegou atrasado, roubou meus ovos, cagou no meu monitor, e deu 50 convites pro meu Discord.

Dá um chega lá!


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BD request again. Only just realised the details are so fuked when switching to a new monitor. Will do you a better one this year

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