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Happy Birthday ! Thanks for Alex still has his PS1 in YIIK!

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Happy birthday The PS1 is 20 years old in the USA - congrats!

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Released in the UK in 1999, it's the amazing Wipeout 3 (Wip3out) for the PS1.

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Final Fantasy VII for the PS1 was released on this day in North America, 18 years ago (1997)

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Battle Arena Toshinden 2 & Fight Coming to Along With Other Classics! (http://t.co/INDxKfTVdC)

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Today celebrates your favorite art, artists, & experiences. What are some of your MoMA/PS1 faves?

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New vector finished, of Peridot from the old ps1 classic puchi carat: http://t.co/DnEqQtdRgO

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Street Fighter Alpha (Zero) 3 for the PS1 was released on this day in Japan, 16 years ago (1998)

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レジェマナとアーマード・コアばっかりやってた 幼き頃の思い出・・・

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usuPuWCxu43THAixF6dPuFu6  参加が遅れましたがFF7から、最強の幼馴染み(?)『ティファ』さんを一枚。PS1の『エアガイツ』というフリーランニング対戦格闘ゲームにも出演してました。

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série q fez sucesso no Ps1/Ps2 também marcou presença no portátil Gba.

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Rayman 2, foi um dos melhores jogos do PS1 para mim e não poderia faltar na minha série: http://t.co/cNCGtQ6zFN

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