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오늘의 퇴근송(Song for way to home)_Jan.2021
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #jan2021 #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.30 퇴근송 / Better Together - Luke Combs (@lukecombs)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #lukecombs #bettertogether #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.29 퇴근송 / Dancing With A Stranger - Sam Smith (@samsmith)
노래가 어쩜 이리도 사뿐사뿐하냐 💃🏻🕺🏻
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #samsmith #dancingwithastranger #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.28 퇴근송 / Theme From Mission: Impossible - Adam Clayton
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #adamclayton #missionimpossible #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.24 퇴근송 / Wake Me Up (Radio Edit) - Avicii (@Avicii)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #avicii #wakemeup #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.20 퇴근송 / Human - Rag'N'Bone Man (@RagNBoneMan)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #ragnboneman #human #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.16 퇴근송 / San Francisco Bay - Lee Oskar
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #leeoskar #sanfranciscobay #harmonica #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.14 퇴근송 / Sweet Sweet Surrender - Beck, Bogert & Appice (@jeffbeckmusic)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #timbogert #carmineappice #jeffbeck #sweetsweetsurrender #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.12 퇴근송 / Adult - Christian Leave (@ChristianLeave)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #christianleave #adult #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.7 퇴근송 / We Don't Talk Anymore (Feat. Selena Gomez) - Charlie Puth (@charlieputh)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #charlieputh #wedonttalkanymore #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.6 퇴근송 / Happy Together (Remastered) - The Turtles
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #theturtles #happytogether #장국영 #lesliecheung #양조위 #leungchiuwai #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.4 퇴근송 / Wonder - Natalie Merchant
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #girl #nataliemerchant #wonder #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.3 퇴근송 / So What - Miles Davis (@milesdavis)
킹 마일스!
So What, 이른 여름 초저녁 꿈같은 곡.
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #마일스데이비스 #milesdavis #sowhat #트럼펫 #trumpet #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.2 퇴근송 / Don't Stop Me Now (...Revisited) - Queen (@QueenWillRock)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #queen #freddiemercury #dontstopmenow #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2021.1.1 퇴근송 / Circles - Post Malone (@PostMalone)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #postmalone #circles #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.29 퇴근송 / Leave Me Alone - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (@iDKHOW)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #idontknowhowbuttheyfoundme #idkhow #leavemealone #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.24 퇴근송 / Happy (From Despicable Me 2) - Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #pharrellwilliams #happy #despicableme #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.15 퇴근송 / Describe - Perfume Genius (@perfumegenius)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #배신의한수 #신혜림작가 #perfumegenius #describe #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.15 퇴근송 / Papa - Paul anka (@paulanka)
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #paulanka #papa #아버지 #father #아들로산다는건아빠로산다는건 #scribbling #drawing #illustration
2020.12.14 퇴근송 / It's Not About Me - Meryl Streep
#퇴근송 #songforwaytohome #배철수의음악캠프 #배캠 #mbc라디오 #mbcradio #김세윤의영화음악 #theprom #merylstreep #itsnotaboutme #sweetsong #scribbling #drawing #illustration