Godaigo Daigo by Kounosuke will be releasing Volumes 1 and 2 in September 2nd, while Red Cat Ramen by Angyaman will be releasing Volume 1 in October 4th.

These are the two first 'indie' series published at Shonen Jump+ App that will get volume releases.

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「ゆきとも&ななごんのたびとも!」次回8月9日放送の旅は40代 会社員 ゆきこさんの旅「遠い異国でみつけた 日本の心 」 ウズベキスタン編です✈️ 日本の桜🌸がウズベキスタンに。

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「ゆきとも&ななごんのたびとも!」本日20:00放送の旅は 赤津美咲さんの「第ニの故郷 ハプニングから始まった旅」 鹿児島県 下甑島(しもこしきじま)編です!
fmだいご スマホ PCからどこからでも聴けます https://t.co/CpzQ077Hx3

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Everyday i miss emo daigo

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Huitzil from Darkstalkers. One of Daigo's mains back in his Darkstalkers days, and you can see a lot of what Capcom ended up doing with their take on Sentinel in him. All sorts of transforming weapon gadgets, missiles, beams, and so forth.

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Daigo-san, what are you thinking about?

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You can also see the headphone design in official art from Daigo Ikeno

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「ゆきとも&ななごんのたびとも!」次回8月2日放送の旅はフィットネス インストラクター兼ライター 赤津美咲さんの「第ニの故郷 ハプニングから始まった旅」 鹿児島県 下甑島(しもこしきじま)編です!✈️

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Porque eres el amoooor de mi vidaaaa

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Esta semana tuvimos el regular combate de Satoshi y Daigo...
Pero parece que el maníaco de las rocas atrapó al azabache con algo... particular. :v

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Devil May Cry 3 | •Apparition Incarnate• & •Dante vs Beowulf• Concept Art by Daigo Ikeno

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'kirin of daigo' or smthn cute like that

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1.) love how daigo's hair is just never messy again ever 2.) what if this dude woke up five minutes earlier

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“…Beldum, my favorite Pokémon.”

Tribute to Steven cuz of his Journeys battle and so I get good shiny beldum luck

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