Patriot’s Disappearance and Theodosia Burr Alston - The Patriot’s disappearance in 1813 remains a mystery that has never been solved. Socialite Theodosia Burr Alston, the daughter of Aaron Burr, ...

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Patriot’s Disappearance and Theodosia Burr Alston - The Patriot’s disappearance in 1813 remains a that has never been solved. Socialite Theodosia Burr Alston, the daughter of Aaron Burr, ...

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Patriot’s Disappearance and Theodosia Burr Alston - The Patriot’s in 1813 remains a mystery that has never been solved. Socialite Theodosia Burr Alston, the daughter of Aaron Burr, ...

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The teeth and their nerves.
Practical information about the teeth. 1879.

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meets history and art with our ecosystem lesson plan: Worksheets & more under "Tours & Resources."

🌿: Lafoensia densiflora, Johann Emanuel Pohl,

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26Mar1832 Cholera takes its first victim in France. Learn More about this disease and its victims at

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Horace Vernet: French Painter of the 1800s - Horace Vernet was a French painter of battles, portraits, and Orientalist subjects. He came from ...

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In mid-19thC Schlesischer Bahnhof (see previous tweet), built as Niederschlesisch-Märkischer Bahnhof, was dubbed "Katholischer Bahnhof": majority of the work-seeking immigrants who alighted there came from the East and were Roman-Catholic. Equally many were Jewish.

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Tales of Monkeys as Pets in the 18th Century and 19th Century - Many people desired a pet monkey in the 1700 and 1800s. One nineteenth century gentleman claimed a pet monkey was ...

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Madame Récamier’s Bedroom: A Masterpiece - Everyone wanted to see Madame Récamier’s at her house located in the Chaussée d’Antin that had once belonged to Jacques Necker, minister to Louis XVI. The ...

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Madame Récamier’s Bedroom: A Masterpiece - Everyone wanted to see bedroom at her house located in the Chaussée d’Antin that had once belonged to Jacques Necker, minister to Louis XVI. The ...

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Consuelo Vanderbilt: Marriage to the Duke of Marlborough -
Consuelo Vanderbilt was a member of the prominent American Vanderbilt family, a family of Dutch origin who gained prominence ...

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Consuelo Vanderbilt: Marriage to the Duke of Marlborough -
Consuelo Vanderbilt was a member of the prominent American family, a family of Dutch origin who gained prominence during the Gilded Age ...

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Consuelo Vanderbilt: Marriage to the Duke of Marlborough -
was a member of the prominent American Vanderbilt family, a family of Dutch origin who gained prominence during the ...

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Consuelo Vanderbilt: Marriage to the Duke of Marlborough -
Consuelo Vanderbilt was a member of the prominent American family, a family of Dutch origin who gained prominence during the ...

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Fairies of the Meadow (1850): a Swedish vision of by short-lived artist Nils Blommér . The 19thc developed landscapes of national histories and myths.

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Cholera Ship Virginia in 1866: Liverpool to New York - What became known as the cholera ship Virginia set sail from Liverpool on 4 April 1866. At the time there were no cases of cholera ...

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Cholera Ship Virginia in 1866: Liverpool to New York - What became known as the cholera ship Virginia set sail from Liverpool on 4 April 1866. At the time there were no cases of cholera ...

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