DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.12 ETH by Check_bio_save_money from X2Y2cheaperkevbob

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.71 ETH by Pkirbs18 from X2Y2-CheaperLinkBelow

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DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.15 ETH by X2Y2cheaperkevbob from 0x4a8cc8

0 1

🏆 Top sale of the last 24 hours

🐵 6866 was sold for 111 ($135,220) a few hours ago on 🤑

Txn hash:

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.71 ETH by pokgai from X2Y2cheaperkevbob

0 2

VALHALLA was purchased for 1.25 ETH

• Buyer: beyondtheblockchain.eth
• Seller: nftclub.eth
• Market: X2Y2 🌀

1 7

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.67 ETH by X2Y2-CheaperLinkBelow from MadMaxVault

0 1

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.74 ETH by X2Y2cheaperkevbob from 0x0a1ad7

1 1

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.76 ETH by X2Y2cheaperkevbob from 6B9C8

0 1

🏆 Top sale of the last 24 hours

Azuki was just sold for 150 ($183,195) on 🤑

0 9

BIG sale! 🔥 VALHALLA was purchased for 15.0 ETH

• Buyer: karpnft.eth
• Seller: koalies.eth
• Market: X2Y2 🌀

12 97

🏆 Top sale of the last 24 hours

🐵 2106 was sold for 147 ($178,920) on 🤑

0 7

BIG sale! 🔥 VALHALLA was purchased for 2.5 ETH

• Buyer: miikka.eth
• Seller: 0xaA1...4D41
• Market: X2Y2 🌀

1 8

Was looking at my artworks before and saw this Gojo art I did and feel so badthat I made Gojo looklike this.SORRYGUYS😢that's why I don't have thecourage to draw him cause I mightdraw himbadly,his handsome face is sacred though
This isthe only artwork I did of him
Art from 2y ago

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