Mysterious gambler [129/365]

2 9

You can only have "I Hate Coriander" stuck in your head so many times before you eventually just have to draw it

0 2

Gamblers' libations [128/365]

4 14


1 14

Ganging up [127/365]

2 7

Who wanted VY2 with his hair down? Nobody? Well, that's what you're getting anyway! After watching the Juni Taisen stage play I felt inspired (by Ox) to play with some hair colors but I couldn't decide on red or gold so BOTH IS GOOD

0 1

Earnest gambler [126/365]

1 10

Pretty gambler [125/365]

2 14

Happy gambler [124/365]

2 12

Terrible gambler [123/365]

1 11

Experienced gambler [122/365]

2 10

Demon card party [121/365]

3 10