Seed 7’s up! And all the others are telling me it’s time for bigger pots!

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K-Netz talk about Got7’s underrated songs + wonder why it’s not getting the recognition it deserves

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With 1987’s The Living Daylights we were promised “The Most Dangerous Bond. Ever.” It wasn’t a hollow promise. Timothy Dalton delivered the goods. But then he’s a Tim...and it’s a known fact that Tims never let you down 😉.

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Orion and Erin of Lama from idolish7’s Throne of the Stellar featuring Gaku Yaotome and Riku Nanase! Available now as a print, all your purchases help support this artist, thank you!

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Say hello to Ichiko, whose quest to find her missing brother leads her to the sombre and mysterious town of Okunezato. Follow her brush with deadly dangers and mysteries in 7’Scarlet!

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youngjae supporting got7’s subunits the best way he knows lol

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The Norman Studios Silent Film Museum and the Hotel Indigo® Jacksonville will screen 1927’s The Scar of Shame at the launch of the 2019 Silent Sundays Series on March 3 at 4pm

Find out more at

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Spirits will give you strength to fight and take it like a champ: Julia Chang and Negan from bring their fists (and bat) to the ring in 7’s Season Pass 2 TODAY!

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whenever the player character showed up in a pic on 707’s route, i was real aware of how he and irl me are the same height

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Happy Valentine’s Day and how to spend Valentine’s Day with 707’s cushions🤣🤣🤣.

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Meet Universe 7’s 10th and final fighter. Tune into a new dub episode of tonight on

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Can I have 707’s special space station burger set with 707’s special menu Ph.D. pepper created with the energy of the universe 😊❤️😋 what I would say but I’m an international MC soooo... 😭😭😭

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2007’s Stardust? More like 2007’s I Would Die For This Movie

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At 1797’s battle of Cape St. Vincent, a sailor near Admiral Sir John Jervis was decapitated by a cannonball. Jervis, splattered with brains, continued in command. To an underling, he said, ‘I am not at all hurt, but, do, George, try if you can get me an orange.’

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a cute gif of youngjae in celebration of the announcement of got7’s 5th anniversary fanmeeting ⚽️

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7’scarlet coming to PC in 2019

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I bought a doyoung fansign slot for nct 127’s 181019 fansign, I told him I just graduated from university and I’m scared to start work life

He wrote “don’t be afraid, the world is interesting” 😭💘

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Time for a little catch up with theme “Goth”. 7 days in until I drew my first furry piece? wowza!

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