Just dropped on 👀

i Fell 6D f!ve

13000 × 16250 px at 300 ppi
◎ 1.3

It’s all blue, da ba dee da ba di


6 25

Would you kindly take some time and give me your feedback?

Do you see anything in this art?

How does it make you feel?

0 2

Which one of these is your favorite?

1⃣ Bloody Mary
2⃣ Preta
3⃣ Mogwai

See the full size on and drop a ❤️ or take home your fave!

5 16

これを〝Rebellion Art〟と名付けます✨

1 8

I'm looking for feedback on my art.

Does this make you feel anything in particular?

Please write a bit about what you see or feel!

0 11

🚨New Teaser🚨

Confused Society

" Grown Up "

25 Editions @ 0.55 $XTZ

Grown Up will be available in 2 Hours!

0 4

🚨New Teaser🚨
Confused Society

" Grown Up "

25 Editions @ 0.55 $XTZ

Grown Up will be available in 5 Hours!

3 7

👉visuals and sounds.

total of 41 ITEMS in the collection


2 4

Been using red quite a lot lately. It’s a colour that often energises me and makes me feel alive 🌺

1 18