Hey its Andy the Apporachable Antifascist Panda teaching you about why you shouldn't engage with fascists!

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Antifascistisk eftermiddag
När: 2017-09-23 kl 12:00
Var: Kafé 44, scenrummet, https://t.co/HDsN6iZt9j

2 1

AFA Göteborg: Vikten av antifascistisk gatunärvaro https://t.co/8w0gythdnz

0 2

Everyone: Nazis are evil.
Trump supporters: *bursts through the windows, shaking uncontrollably* BUT THE ANTIFAS!!!

1 12

Antifa Worldwide: A Brief History of International Antifascism

2 1

antifascist yuuka beating up nazis

1 5