Scootaloo: Oh, I had a great idea! I’ll see if I can get Rainbow to invite Lachlan to come with us!

Sweetie Belle: *gasps*

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Sweetie Belle: *stammers as she blushed* (D’oh, they guessed!)

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Scootaloo: Right!

Sweetie Belle: (They’ll never guess it!)

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Applebloom: And, we know WHO you’re in love with!

Sweetie Belle: *scoff* Yeah, right, you can’t guess who.

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Sweetie Belle: H-Huh? What? Uh, did you say something, Scootaloo?

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Lachlan: *racing around Ponyville without a care*

*the CMCs saw from the clubhouse*

Scootaloo: Hey look! That’s Lachlan Dingo, Celestia’s son and Rainbow Dash’s best buddy!

Applebloom: Fastest puppy in the world!

Sweetie Belle: *giggles as hearts pop around her*

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Y’all: “Do you have lactose free milk?”
Bonnabelle: “buckle the fuck up.”

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*they hug too*

Sweetie Belle: You didn’t get too worried about me, did you?

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Sugar Belle: Over here, on the other side of the Floof Tree.

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Sugar Belle: Oh Big Mac, look at this blue snowman. It's so fluffy ^^

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*They both look at the Floof Tree*

Sugar Belle: The Floof Tree is so beautiful and soft. I love it so much

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Isabelle: I Had to pose with the scythe also....
(I did not steal it) 😁🌸
let me borrow it

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Sugar Belle: We'll wake up in a few days and feel as good as new

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*Twilight and the others are still in their 10 year long hibernation in their cocoons. The cocoon that Sugar Belle and Big Mac are in is right next to the Apple Bloom statue*

Sugar Belle: Me either.

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Sugar Belle: This place is beautiful. And being in a floofy cocoon with you is the best

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Sugar Belle: I couldn't agree more

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Sugar Belle: I love you too Big Mac

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