reply with bramblestar art so I can last

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Been really lazy with posting for (even if it's old art!!), but here some from the last 3-ish or longer weeks of characters I had drawn prior to today.

Feathertail, Silverstream, Bramblestar, and Gray Wing

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A tad late, but here's for last week's Young Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw :3c I wonder what they're up to!

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A late Purdy and Bramblestar for
I feel kinda soft at the idea of Purdy being proud of how far Bramblestar has come since their first meeting

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A quick Bramblestar headshot for 's

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A Bramblestar design for Wanted to make him look soft,,

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Quick drawing of Bramblestar for Our current Thunderclan leader who everyone wants to die of rabies, haha.

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I know Ive already posted Alderheart, but with Bramblestar being the I decided to draw the rest of the family and post them all at once!

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Bramblestar with a leaf as leader mark (and I gave him a scar on the muzzle and a torn ear because I'm mean)

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Bramblestar and his lovely deputy for I actually got one done on time for once!

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Comic starring Tigerstar and Goldenflower I made based on a tweet I saw!

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I heard Bramblestar might have rabies

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Tigerstar and all of his spawn

another nice thing about my new lineup style is I can do more than just family lineups (although I guess this is technically one) I like comparing all my designs tho

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//you try to kill it but it won't stop bleeding
try to forget it but it won't stop killing you//

little comic based on idea that squirrelflight has to kill bramblestar bc of his rabies, im sad

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