"Enough of this crap! I've been listening to goth music all my life... It never said anything about apples! The American education system is bullshit! Rip the system! End facism! KEIN MEHRHEIT FÜR DIE MITLEID! BeRzErKeR!"

0 2

Holy crap! 30k and fully funded in exactly 4 hours! Not sure what I was expecting, but it was definitely not this!

Thank you all for your amazing support and generosity!

8 73

I always prefered Ai as a blonde. What do you think?

[Also - I'm alive beating this covid crap!!]

18 89

Holy Crap!
Pablo Picasso was based?????

0 1

The real identities of Reaper and Soldier 76 are finally revealed. Reaper is actually Gabriel Reyes, and Soldier 76 is actually Jack Morrison! Holy crap!!! Didn’t see that coming at all! 😧

2 21

My Druid took another level in warlock and got a grumpy familiar named Scrap!

1 7

Oh crap! I completely forgot to finish and upload this after MAR10 ahh well better late than never! 😎

1 2

【突然告知】5/29(土)はLibera様にてHoly Crap!に出演させていただきます🔥!いつもBPM220超えのドンシャカボカスカ音をよくやりますが、そこにロックとかパンクとか演歌とか混ぜ込んだカオス海鮮丼みたいなDJをしたいなと考えておりますので遊びにきて暴れ倒しまショ!! 押忍!!

10 24

5/29 にLiberaでちゃんしほ a.k.a. そやほ(アジフライ)主催イベント、HolyCrap!が開催されます🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏

11 17

05/29(土) 17:00~
Holy Crap! at.リーベラ


凄い人達の中DJさせて頂くことにめちゃくちゃ緊張しておりますが、ちゃんしほの初主催、ぜひとも遊びに来て貰えたらなと思います*⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝*



12 15

I am 4 stickers away from 50 in this pack. FIFTY. holy crap!!

As always, add the stickers to your telegram: https://t.co/6SQi6U34p4

2 26

“Food? Merchandise? I don’t give a crap! I’m a human being! Serves them right!”

32 221

be like:
holy crap!!! those are my streamers!!!!!!!!!

134 2262

oh yea i also have this old sketch too of my boy scrap!!!

(hes not pink hes actually orange it be the pink filter)

8 76

Love your work holy crap!
Well I draw a lot of fanart and, recently, I've been drawing a lot of Corpse + fellow streamers fanart 🖤

4 45

second drawing by @.kevinsimp2
Good luckk

0 1

[Transfem] Guys I finally got the courage to come out to my mom after four months of meandering. I was anxious and freaking out when I sent the letter but she was completely supportive. I feel so much better now, holy crap! https://t.co/IBNjHP7oYq

0 28

My first ever drawing of Maika, vs now, holy crap! I’ll compare Rei at a later date but I haven’t properly drawn her very much lately. It’s so weird looking back at my old art, that first one was only from August 2020

10 39