Elincia Ridell Crimea (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)

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Today's Post: The secluded princess of Crimea who eventually fights for her own country's freedom: Elincia. https://t.co/x2yLpkf5i5

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funds world separatist congress but jails for saying is

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occupiers hunt for 'extremists' who oppose illegitimate 'elections' in

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Kabaeva Comes to Crimea 24x36 by for $425

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21 October 1854 Florence Nightingale is sent to aid at the front during the Crimean War. A London Map of Days

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Great working with at The International on this illo about Russia seizing property in Crimea.

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Legless and armless Crimean Khanate… evening/morning sketching.

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Livestream Request: Our Dear Crimean Pony Natalia!

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Sanction hardened Africans offer Putin moral support

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(intermezzo) sekarang udah tau kan,kenapa Russia getol ngejar Crimea,dan US mencak-mencak karena Russia?

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Crimea's freshly appointed chief prosecutor is pixiv's new sweetheart: http://t.co/aqxY9GSQga

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Coffee-break-sketch on the situation in Crimea.

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