New on Circa, the NCMA blog: Getting beneath Surfaces: A Conservator and Curator Collaborate
Museum curators and conservators often work in opposition, bu ut working collaboratively can yield some thrilling results, as we recently discovered.

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Many thanks to and for showing us molecules and more in VR. Now the biocurators want to use to look at all PDB structures! (more on Nanome in our April newsletter: )

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Our Gabrielle & Melanie had a great visit to in Halifax yesterday to pick up ideas for our new funded gallery opening in 2020!

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Tonight is the premier of DYSTOPIA987 . We've caught lots of shows and interviewed key curators and collaborators throughout the festival. First up Kirsty Edmunds - Artistic Director, Centre for the Art of Performance

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Funded opportunity for artists and curators. Deadline for applications 14th July. For more info visit

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Edited Arts, a not for profit group of film event organisers, and technicians, is headed up by Jo Sans, Eliza G-G (+777000) and Ru Pert

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Our next panel brings together producers, curators, digital commissioners and maker-artists to discuss new technologies in engaging and supporting vulnerable young people for better mental health.

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Curators talk today at the gallery at 3pm.

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Hello! Emerging Curators Institute (ECI) is a new program for Minnesota based emerging curators. ECI offers
funded fellowships, mentorship, learning intensive and produce your own curatorial project!

Applications are currently open ✍️⇢🗳✨
Read more:

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Staff also research the history & stories of each gown, placing it in the context of what was developing in the world at that time to influence the styles. Curators then determine appropriate hair styles, bouquets, veils and accessories to be worn with each garment.

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