В честь Идалин. Я ни о чем не жалею)) Впервые ставлю свой арт на обойки и все ради нее, потому что я хочу видеть ее каждый день. А что вы знаете о искренней любви?

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Bueno me habían dicho q haga a eda chiquita pero me me gustó tanto q hice un match iconos de eda y Lilith chiquitas xd
Espero q les guste uwu ❤💕❤💕💕❤

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Have ya`ll watched the Owl House? I got updated with the episodes and I love, love this show!

3 17

THATS A FIRST... IM REALLY proud here🥺

💜+🔄= eu mt feliz

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Here’s my recreation on an emotional highlight to the Owl House Season 1 finale.

“I love you Eda.”
“I love you too kiddo.” 😭 ❤️

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piccrew lilith and eda!! ty for the link!! they’re so pretty 💔🥺

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Agony of A Witch.
This entire episode had me shook, someone please help Luz and save Eda... 😭
Everyone watch the season finale and please support this amazing show!!!! <3 <3


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Goodbye season 1, It was a fun ride. Can't wait to see you next season 흫u흫

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