
Мой любимый перс с непроизносимым именем ( как по мне ),
которого было рисовать труднее всех UwU"

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Finally, return to FnH arts.
Who waits for Enki? It will be soon,

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A commission by of Enki and Ragnvaldr based on 's base

belongs to happy_paintings

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Almost a month late in posting, here's all the Fear & Hunger birthday drawings I got from other members of the official Discord 😊❤

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Now you can have a birthday party!(the cake give -10 mind)

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2/4 Д'Арс готова, остались еще двое~

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I recently got a Tsum commission from of Enki from

I also commissioned concept art of the other F&H protagonists in Tsum form. Maybe someday I can afford to make them a reality 🥺

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Jeeves from Fear & Hunger: Termina, can't wait to play the full version.

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I've been making some 32x32 characters(*with a few exception) quiet recently since they are quiet easy and fun to make. There's also some Fear & Hunger characters in there since i also love the game.

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A commission by , of the main group showing their bi pride 🏳️‍🌈

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This commission started as lineart, but quickly evolved into it's ultimate form

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A commission by the ultra patient and very talented , of Enki in a losing battle with a Maneba. His life force will soon be drawn out 🐙

Fear and Hunger belongs to

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Fear&Hunger Valentine's Day with the Knight D'arce! I know it is April but uuuh...

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Nice game awesome art style and my fav character Cahara

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Сейчас рисовать особо некогда, поэтому мне остаётся лишь играть в аватар-мейкерах. И, Господи, что я нашла! Идеальные мини-приложения с шикарной рисовкой! Не удержалась и создала свою любимицу Д'арс из игры "Fear & Hunger", уж очень хорошо там все подходило.

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