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Last day at #C2E2, come to table G9 and get all the cool stuff! I got prints, comics and original art. I’ll be doing a limited number of sketches today so stop by early and get on the list.
Утро красит нежным светом... непроснутого Рида 😅
#Reed900 #gavin900 #g9 #GavinReed #RK900 #DetroitBecomeHuman #DBH
After Monster Hunter Frontier G9 introduced an ice monster, Barioth, to Frontier, G9.1 added a fire monster to the game. The fire monster in question was Uragaan! After not appearing in G8 because of its unappealing appearance, the Frontier Team added it in the following update.
Monster Hunter Frontier G9 added one new Exotic Species in December. The fourth Main Series monster to be brought over to Frontier was Barioth! In Frontier, Barioth uses all of the attacks and moves it had in every 3rd Gen game as well as some never before seen ones.
The Flagship Monster of Monster Hunter Frontier G9 is the final and most dangerous of the Laviente, Berserk Laviente. While the normal Laviente is full and well-nourished, Berserk Laviente has just awakened from its long slumber and is hungry, ready to feed once again.
Monster Hunter Frontier G9 introduced two new HC Monsters: HC Silver Hypnocatrice and HC Lavasioth Subspecies.
1/19 川崎のチネチッタでの劇場版はいふりの舞台挨拶のチケットが余ってしまったんですけど欲しい方います?
When your bf can't keep his mouth shut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#dbh #DetroitBecomeHuman #Reed900 #900Gavin #900Reed #Gavin900 #G9 #GavinReed #RK900