Tried to draw Gajevy after a long break but... The paper is not suitable for markers + I lost my skills... The moment is pretty romantic but I screw it up...

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Paint me into your soft world,
wherever you think I’ll fit in,
but let it be somewhere close,
so when the lights are low
my hands can find your canvas.

7 13

I’m not crying, it’s just raining indoors 😭 Gajevy till the end 💘

What’s everyone’s thoughts on this scene?? 😥

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Join us in celebrating Levy for Mother's Day (May 12). We’ll RT all art/fic/edits showing Levy in a motherly role (#gajevy only). Use in your post & we'll add it to our moment! Use in any WIP & we'll RT those too! Can't wait to see what yall come up with💕

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I like Gajevy twins (even though I'm indifferent to the ship), I didn't like that they changed the boy's hair color, Mashima made him with blue hair, it's more cute because they're twins

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''Yes,my love?''
Levy hugged her husband like she is going to lose him
''No matter what happens,I'll always be on your side.''
''Gihihi,Thank you , Levy''
They kissed with passion and lust , and then they had a peaceful sleep in each other's arms.

8 12

Red tulips : perfect love 「愛の告白、真実の愛」
Purple tulips : royalty「不滅の愛」
Pink tulips : caring and happiness 「愛の芽生え、誠実な愛」

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And this is a messy doodle I did few weeks ago 😂💔 I inspired this by Mashima Hiro art for gajevy day

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To one of my fav fairy tail couples ❤️❤️

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Me: Ohh new Fairy Tail OP is really good AND OMG THE GAJEVY MOMENT
Me: I wanna sketch Levy

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My babies are sleeping together and Lily giving them some alone time!😍🥰❤️

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