//=time() ?>
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the week to come.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #labrador #beagle #westie #springer
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
The four are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The lab is identifying with the protagonist...
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #beagle #springer #westie #labrador
I hope that you've had a lovely start to your day, lovely people and lovely dogs.
#hoorayfordogs #chocolatelabrador #teddybear
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for a lovely day tomorrow.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #westie #labrador #beagle #springer
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the week to come.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #beagle #springer #westie #labrador #goodnight
Good afternoon, lovely people and lovely dogs.
Hooray for furry friends
who always have an ear to lend
to listen to your hopes and dreams,
your plans and schemes,
with an open heart.
#hoorayfordogs #newfie #friends
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the tail end of your week.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #labrador #westie #springer #beagle #tennisball
Good afternoon, lovely people and lovely dogs.
Do you know a member of The Tennis Ball is Life club?
I am wishing you the very best.
#hoorayfordogs #GoldenRetrievers #tennisball
Hello, lovely people and lovely dogs.
Have you ever seen a Cushionhound in their natural environment?
I am wishing you the very best.
#hoorayfordogs #beardedcollie
Good night, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I am wishing you the very best for the week to come.
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #springer #labrador #beagle #westie #tennisball #teddybear
Hello, lovely people and lovely dogs.
I hope you're having a lovely day.
I've put a little story about a dog called Tiffany on my website. If you'd like to have a look, here is the link https://t.co/3VksiHPRFp
I am wishing you the very best.
#hoorayfordogs #goldenretriever
Good night lovely people and lovely dogs.
The four are off on a literary boat trip.
Can you tell which book that it may be from? I'll give you a hint, the Lake District is involved...
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #westie #beagle #labrador #springer
Good night lovely people and lovely dogs.
The beagle has found a tasty literary adventure. Turkish delight might be involved...
Sleep well and sweet dreams.
#hoorayfordogs #westie #labrador #springer #beagle #adventure