vs a from the by . I've been working in this one off and on for months between projects and now I can finally call it finished!

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This is my first Kaladin piece, not how I imagined it honestly, but his story fitted the mood of the image and the style I wanted to try. So here it is, a really sad moment of our protagonist's life.

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Reading the three books of the Stormlight Archive with Kaladin's album was a unique and wonderful experience. Thanks for that ❤️

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Just depicted one of my favorite scenes here. Ch. 31: Kaladin deflecting the highstorm surrounded by windspren =)

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Seeing all this fantasy art at IlluxCon reminds me I haven’t shared this little sketch. Probably won’t ever ‘finish’ it, but I’ve been listening to these audiobooks while I work on my main paintings, and it was a fun thing to learn the iPad Pro with. :)

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I was reading Mistborn but somehow I ended up drawing the bridgeboy...
Kaladin has the best hair, I can never draw it just once.

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Decided to finish my doodle before resuming animating. Kaladin and Syl from Stormlight Archives :P

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Made some Oh man, I love I was rooting for him constantly. Listening to the audiobook, with the The Black Piper's Kaladin album playing in the background while drawing this was an awesome experience. https://t.co/ZWO5D8xAuC

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Complete Stormlight genderbend memes for this time: Kaladin, Shallan/Veil, Young Dalinar/Evi, Wit ;) (It's my first take and I had so much fun XD) Original sheet: https://t.co/sJupDDIxN4

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kaladin and tien to celebrate the immenent release of !!!

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Another WIP reward preview. Only a few hours left in the album kickstarter! https://t.co/plYBbQIiA1

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