I saw this tweet and immediately had an idea since I totally agree! So I drew Leo doing the pick up and spin your partner move ❤️
Thanks for the inspiration ✨love your work btw!


0 26

Gonna start posting doodles here hello leochi enjoyers

384 2692

once upon a time leo was complaining to hueso about his poor motor skills and how he keeps tripping over his own feet... hueso suggested some classical dancing classes and years later leo is VERY thankful🕺

717 5046

La idea me vino viendo las ilustraciones de @/juulcheesecake (las cuales son hermosas y adoro todo su arte) y necesitaba ver la reaccion de huesos al ver a este par de pays

8 37

Take care 💛
Drawing Leo without his mask will always look weird to me, but it suited the situation

105 1045

this one iconic conversation me and my gf had years ago seemed like a believable one these two would have

17 230

just a couple of anthros known for their violent escapades dabbling in some of the lgbt

1 43

i’m glad people liked the human!leosagi comic !!! here’s my human yuichi design if anyone wants it :>

13 93

If you like then I 10/10 recommend this fic. I need more people roasting my boy. It’s “The Tortoise and the Hare” by AmevelloBlue https://t.co/oz1wwNRyGI

8 82


Yuichi asked Leo to be his date to the fireworks festival ♡

52 504

Mikey being the best brother helping Leo accept his feelings 💚

(I hate draw backgrounds and I exhausted, so yeah, they all swim in a white space)

42 435

PLS WELCOME MY DESIGN FOR FUTURE!YUICHI USAGI! open this thread if u want to read about his untimely demise

487 4117