Be careful who you call ugly in middleschool

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a convo at dinner made me feel like doing this quick thing of an OC from middleschool... nyoom

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The new update reminded me how much I love Yugioh 5D's, so I brought back my oc from late middleschool. I called him Lance.

0 1 A blog explaining the process behind the grade 6 animations. This was such a cool unit.

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Galaxy painting +megaphoto +Procreate portrait +stop motion +soon to be combined with DoInk animation. Layer on layer by grade6

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Call-out post to myself for using the same equation for making sadboy OCs with FMA bangs since middleschool

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Hi I play neopets sometimes and i just got adopted back a neopet i had when i was in middleschool. Hes almost 14 years old. and i keep looking at him and

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Posterized paintings by Art 1 8th grade. Final project.

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Got the opportunity to work on a womens rights poster for a middleschool. I'm in the process of adding a bunch of great, powerful, all inspiring women like, . One lady down, so many more to go....

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Colored pencil self portraits by my 8th graders before heading to high school

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Metamorphosis/transformation drawings by 8th grade Art 1.
Students chose own subject and media.

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Day 25 already! Zoomed in/close up
These close up scratchboards of the skeleton from 4 years ago are a fav of mine! Need to do this project again! 8th graders-Art 1

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Youth Art Month Day 18 theme of “Lights” I am adding darks in too with these academic still life charcoal drawings by Art 1.

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Theme of the day....sunrise/sunset. These are all mono prints.
Day 12 of 31 days of Youth Art Month.

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