Just got new cyberpunk bears with their mimic shhans.
Wish all the good art NFTs to the moon!!!

5 20

Thanks a lot!

11 27

Just adopted MimicShhans
Execute the paper hands from projects 🔥🔥🔥

8 32

left is axe
right is ape
yesterday is zero
tomorrow to the moon

3 12

【UTAU】The vocal synth of the hour is Oka Rina.
An inanimate voice UTAU, Rina is unique for being ‘voiced’ by an ocarina (hence her name). One of her voicebanks mimics a voice, having processed the ocarina samples to resemble vowels.

0 12

This Shhan obviously likes Inosuke Hashibira.

17 63

I should really be uploading my art more often, huh.

(1) parodies AA1's boxart.
(2) mimics Lotta's photo in 1-4.
(3) is Pearl as the same creature as Marx.
(4) is Lotta as a Kine.

(fish!Lotta is an inside joke from , go watch them!

3 6

Time will prove art
sometimes many years
sometimes after the death of the creator
sometimes a lucky few months

5 13

AIzzy can't actually cry real tears so he mimics the sound when he feels wrong

17 77


Clannad——Call life as natality, noticing, accompaning, death. 人生即是到来、相遇、陪伴、离开

希望猫猫社区越来越好 🥰

5 23