【 コロッケ・korokke 】


with some worcestershire sauce or トンカツ (tonkatsu) sauce

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【 焼きおにぎり・yaki onigiri 】

grilled rice ball

basted with soy sauce

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【 冷やしトマト・hiyashitomato 】

chilled tomatoes

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【 おでん・oden 】

Japanese hotpot

with some からし (karashi = Japanese mustard) to add a kick.

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【 フライドポテト・furaido poteto 】

french fries

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【 手羽先・てばさき・tebasaki 】

chicken wings

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【 月見つくね・tsukimi tsukune 】

chicken meatballs with egg yolk

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Habt Ihr schon unsere tollen Acryl-Anhänger gesehen? :3
Nur bei uns im Shop: https://t.co/EC6GrMJINh

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Drunken Trio Fudou, Nihongou, and Jiroutachi! This took me 3 days!!!

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my nihongo is very very bad. I hope you like this miyamori drawings of mine.

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I don't understand nihongo but yes I know you're wishing me luck TQ so much I need your luck a lot for the event ;v;

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nani ga dou yattemo nihongo henkann dekinaku te nae .
dakedo syotaro rakugaki masita node agemasu .

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Clin d'œil amical à Buta Connection dans l'émission « Nihongo ga Dekimasu ka » sur Nolife ! https://t.co/ah24aCdh0r

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My fanart to say "thank you". Sorry for my Nihongo if I'm wrong

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