[huaisang's phone]
nhs: wanna hang out? 😽✌️
jc: sry, busy
nhs: I took tasha & coco for a walk🐶

nhs likes midnight walks & nmj likes his brother safe and sound so he got him two big ass dogs (and one small doggie for himself)

318 619

Red Blade Master, it's today! Da Ge himself !

His dark energy is seeping out from where he was cut apart into pieces! 😱

7 19

AU, Не Минцзюэ вожак оборотней, которому приглянулся местный мальчишка знахарь Хуайсан, который на первый взгляд не представлял из себя ничего особенного.
(дизайн героев нагло слизан с Хроников Асдаля)

33 345

네가 끝없는 어둠에 지쳐 무너질 때
너의 곁에서


22 56

NieYao Month Day 14: Coffe Shop

Dibujo inspirado en el fanfic de Minutiae_mk, y su nueva actualización (https://t.co/UKBwRCP9nu). El reencuentro de MingJue y Yao en un mundo moderno.

26 83

Day 11&12 uniform & sport
i have this since months, really happy to share it and for day 7 to 10 i'll be posting soon💚💛

121 410


39 133

When the joy is too big to handle, something else blooms in his chest... pain. He feels the pieces of his soul repairing, slowly and fragilely coming together, but he doesn't remember being broken.

26 61

So... What if the conversation didn’t work?

What if no one expected another attack blinded by anger?

What if MingJue wakes up from the rage to find Baxia buried in XiChen’s heart?

maybe https://t.co/lFHDJXQvJ5

30 73

Through rounds of reincarnation our brotherly fate stays. When will i see you again? The adieu at Qinghe grieves me for all my days...

44 95

This is a special AU as it is inspired by a fanfic of my friend, PescaditoChu, where NMJ is a Durmstrang wizard and JGY is a Slytherin, and they meet at the 3 wizard tournament and fall in love💚💛

83 287