Ozabu’s Elegant Pencil and Graphite Works

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Stephen Fox’s Oil Paintings Explore ‘The Drive-Ins’

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Carrie Ann Baade’s Work Blends Art History, Autobiography

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Laluzapalooza Group Show Returns to La Luz De Jesus Gallery

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Inti Translates Murals In New Show of Canvas Works

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Boom! apeninacoquinete:

Sonia Delaunay. On fabric. \ (•o•) /

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The Unsettling Illustrations, Murals of Nemo’s

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Mia Brownell’s Paintings Blend History of Painted Food, Science

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Elif Varol Ergen’s Recent, Absorbing Meditations on Identity, Femininity

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Anthony Hurd’s Wild, Internal Landscapes

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The Strange, Satirical Illustrations of Alex Gamsu Jenkins

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J.A.W. Cooper’s Recent, Enchanting Works

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Kikyz1313’s Latest, Bleak Mixed-Media Works

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Coco Bergholm’s Paintings Explore Camouflage, Urban Narratives

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The Absorbing Ink Drawings of Simon Prades

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Rob Sato Offers New, Vibrant Works in ‘Arco Iris’

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Kim Hyunji’s Stirring, Textured Portraits

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Andy Kehoe’s Fantastical, New Mixed-Media Paintings

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