Pretty sick!! Especially because she hasn't been on for 12 years!! i found this big 'square' room with teles that lead to her, but also alot of random people! More SS in comments! <3 "Goldenwood Community" Owned by: Amymone

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Pretty cool to explore old staff rooms! Here are the rooms owned by: Wizard from Habbo NL:

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Pretty cool to explore old staff rooms! Here are the rooms owned by: Allegrea from Habbo NL:

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Not only the Virus campaign rooms can be still found on Habbo NL but also the 'Space Explorers' event rooms from 2006. Owned by: Donnie-Santini Check our wiki for a recap of the event 👇

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On Habbo NL u can still visit the 2008 Habboween 'virus' competition rooms. Bloody and gooey hospital beds can be found in different rooms. All rooms lead up to 10, but all copies of the first room. Owned by ZiekenhuisHabbo

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These are the pure gems, especially if they haven't logged in for over 13 years!

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Although we used to have the Habburgers public room, You could find various other restaurants and cafes made by other Habbos, From Mcdonalds to Japanese restaurants we had em all ;-) "CosY JaPanEsE ResTauRanT" Owned by: xIaOrAnnIe

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A washroom complete with library and bedroom, What else can a Habbo wish for? "My Family Washroom" owned by 's old account: Liao* (enterable via teles)

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I already shared an Airport before, but people also used to make Airplanes in Habbo.. here are 3 of them.. owned by: erst-nickl

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Category: Stacking for experts. 3 rooms that aren't stacked with the use of a stacker tile, but "simple" roller stacking: "Camel" "room with no wall" "whale" owned by the user: BL!NKEY

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Here is the cactus version of the Yucca collection!
"<CACTUS:P>" owned by: neggie (Habbo NL)

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I know it's a little bit too early (or too late depends on what your view is on it) to share a valentines room, but when i'm Room Raiding i see a few of those rooms. From Valentines day to Christmas.. i see it all!. "Love Factory" owned by: Soloboy

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What to do if u wanna go on vacation on Habbo? simple, you search an Airport room and simply take a teleport to your dream destination! This user has alot of destinations insite the red tele on the right. Go check it out!! "Airport(entrance)" owned by: Knight0

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Probably the most famous room in whole Habbo.
Once a scripted room, now owned by a Staff member. "The Thirteenth Floor" owned by: Macklebee

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If you're a Staff, or in this case a Moderator, u like to show it off right? and for the best! look at how beautiful this purple room is! There are at least 16 Dragon Eggs in this room. "Purple Trade Kingdom" owned by: Powerplant (Habbo NL)

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Yo, shoutout to for commissionin me to draw his Crunchy OC!

🍋: MSPaint

RT, Support

artnigga blackartist blerd oc dinosaur mvc bengus mvc1 marvelvscapcom pixelart pixelartist microsoftpaint digitalart cps2 arcade retro oldskool oldschool fuckagrindthisacrawl

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One of the amazing rooms you can get into are the locked rooms of the user Lethal.D.$ .

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The user Rhume owns some pretty nice collections of teleports! Some of these teles lead to incredible rooms. Worth checking it out! "Rhume's Red Teles [105]" owned by: Rhume

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Back when only small rooms existed, we tried are best to fit a whole house in 1 room. Could have used teleporters to different rooms, but seeying a whole house in 1 room gives that extra feeling. "V's and J's Home :]" owned by: jessy008

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Did literally everyone build their own version of the Newsbox? 😂 "newsbox-" owned by: Smack$

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