. Here comes Jontae wielding the Sands of Time to save the princess from the hands of the evil vizier!
...Which according to art block is herself....
...Man the timeline is whack as fuck.

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Princess Jontae waiting by an hourglass for her rescuer. Strange, since she's a hero herself.

20 164

Don't make fun of other passionate artists, or Bear Jontae will get you!

22 137

This is me after seeing the preview of nct dream arrived at indonesia for the 1st time (except for nomin).
Then realized that i can only fangirling them through the tv😂

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🍽️웹소설 '백작가의 망나니가 되었다'배포전🍽️

백망되 배포전 <얘들아, 밥값하자>의 전단지를 공개합니다!

본 트윗을 RT 해주신 한 분께 선입장권✉️을 드립니다.
(당첨자 추첨 9월 11일)

* 일러스트 협력: SEONTAE님
* 전단지 배포처 추후 공지 예정

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the cool senior who always helps you with your math homeworks

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You're lying if you say you are not Taeil biased 😔✊

Another fanart cause we need a moon in our lives ❤

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Here's another beach honey for , this time with 100% more Jontae.

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Before I go to sleep, here's a higher resolution version of Swimsuit Jontae

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Jontae's also got that dig nitty as well.

9 98

Jontae's got her dignity.

17 146

생일 축하합니다! 🎉🎁
Happy birthday, our Moon~ 🌙💚 Late, as always😏😭😅🙏🏻

Also check on my IG for the progress》 https://t.co/X21rlTr1SR

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