ta pdp m'a fait trop délirer... j'en suis désolée TnT

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Day 8: Ai!
I'll be real her voice is not that high in my PDP ranking
And this makes it better because she's literally giving it all and made some of my favourite songs and is part of one of my fav subunits
Also there's like unlimited meme potential here!!

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I don’t have a best girl for Muse because I’m not interested in them as a group and I don’t know the PDP girls enough to pick a best girl. Dia is my Aqours best girl though and Sumire is my tentative Superstar best girl.

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Hey ihr lieben~
Wir freuen euch bekannt geben zu können, dass wir als unsere Shioriko in unserem PDP-Cast willkommen heißen dürfen!
Wir danken allen 16 weiteren, das sie sich so zahlreich beworben haben und wir hoffen, dass ihr auch zukünftig euer bestes gebt!

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PDP [UR-Fanart] (3/10)

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I love that I'm able to switch from my mouse and keyboard to my Xbox One PDP controller after my big Classic American Sonic sausage fingers are starting to hurt when I'm playing Minecraft Bedrock for a couple hours 😁

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Ultime flow là, ça part direct en pdp Discord 👌😤✨ https://t.co/Fxq6Jc4MZk

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