experimental Parasect
I really like Parasect...

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I haven't been on here in a while... Have some Parasects!

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pokemon with no dank: skorupi, parasect, and vespiquen

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Another mushroom Pokémon! 046-047, Paras and Parasect~ 🍄🦀

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Spore's been hard at work robbing Hariyama today, so I thought I should draw him~<3
He is a good Parasect who does his best

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Parasect 🍄 This pokemon creeps me out XD

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Inktober 26: Parasect, the zombie of the Pokemon world. Experimented with a marker and it doesn't feel "right"?

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Living in Vancouver, land of Hypno and Vaporeon Gyms, has given me a love for Parasect.

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combined two tumblr requests for bugsy n parasect heh

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I can't edit this more until later...! Also, the Parasect is staring into people's souls or something!

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