(CW GORE, SPOILERS) "i did the only thing i could think of, and i... i fell with her, and just uh.. i put myself behind her, to try to take the fall. but thats not really how it works. we werent super heroes and this wasnt a comic."

26 183

Ive become completely obsessed with specifically their campaign recently, so much so that it zapped me out of a multiple year-long hiatus of drawing so here is William Wisp looking badass

24 73

Happy Birthday for Dakota Cole! May you still be invulnerable to bullets even though you aren’t a minor anymore

4 23

When Charlie described William I felt like god had descended and gave me this visual image so I drew it out

rts appreciated!

92 563

imagine if the 10 month time skip was just a spinoff show

0 26

I like these two a lotttttt

only on ep 10 tho.....hope nothing tragic happens to them.

12 77

rip henny o7. also here's warlock William bc he's cool

18 75

top 1 reason you should follow : they have an awesome AU holy shit I live for it. Yeah here's fanart for you, Scrunklye ♡

12 61

this show has me kind of uhhhhh fuckin cracked out with Art Energy i am anuclear reactor

11 74

a leetle william wisp in a new style I'm trying :D

14 49