MEGA BOMBERMAN - Genesis, 1994, Hudson Soft. Controla a tu Bomberman y derrota a múltiples enemigos. Cada nivel consta de bloques que explotan y otros no 💣

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arcade game, this is a platform one, it has some good animation and sound, it's an enjoyable game.

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Another quality arcade conversion from Bad Dudes or Dragon Ninja, played like a Shinobi game, good fun.

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One of the best Platformers on the Amiga is Superfrog, I think tried to create a fantastic game for every genre, they all looked and played fantastic.

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Title: Blood Brothers
Year: 1988
Platform: ZX Spectrum
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics Software
Developer: Gremlin Lincoln

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There were a string of F1 games that only came out in Japan, this is Nakajima's F1 Grand Prix, it's like F1 Circus, but instead of the track moving top/down, you shift the track around the car, Mode 7

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Going through the games on the here is The King of Chicago, you can see some of the gameplay elements that became hallmarks for their other titles.

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There were a few Chuck Yeager games, I think I had the very first one, I never really got on with it as it jumped from Plane 2 Plane quickly, but the flight model was very good

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TRUE LIES - Genesis, 1995, Acclaim. Un espía se enfrenta a terroristas árabes para evitar que destruyan la ciudad utilizando un misil nuclear

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This game I played tonnes, Defender of Rome Lite Civ game, with Chariot races, Gladiator battles, Naval battles, and a Lite strategy mode ala Total War

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II on the amazing RTS game and the beginnings of the C&C series, lets mine some Spice.

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Enjoyed driving around in Breakthru, although the forced scrolling could catch you out on big jumps which was annoying, overall it's a good game

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One of my favorite series of all time and that's the Strike series from this is Urban Strike, really nothing like these games

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Vendetta is a good game on 8-bit good arcade conversion, had scrolling beatem up section and then a driving section, good challenge, well worth a look

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STARGATE - Genesis, 1995, Acclaim. Fuerzas especiales han descubierto un portal místico llamado Stargate, que crea un pasaje a un mundo llamado Abydos

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Title: Super Mario Bros. 3
Artist: Yoichi Kotabe
Year: 1990
Platform: NES
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo R&D2

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III, this 2nd sequel moves onto a side scrolling platform game, and is the best of the 3, collect things, a turn things on&off adventure, all 3 games were different

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