I didn't want to fall into that ship but Eddie and Steve on a train is such a mood 🥲💗

87 610

"Don’t you, big boy?"

I’ve been replaying this scene in my mind 24/7 help

32 268

Get yourself some hands

I suck at drawing hands but here you go 🥰

211 1776

just a quick little sketch of what totally happened in canon

402 2834

uhm uhm uhm!!! eddie graduates in 86 and steve gets him the zelda game on NES but ed sucks at it so they take turns and play together thank you!!!

106 1029

Minha contribuição 🤟
Agora em teoria o Steve é mãe e o Eddie é o pai do Dustin

57 390

Finished this & discovered s new favourite brush, gays (and bi) keep winning


63 624

Heaven is a place on earth popped up on my playlist, and I couldn't get this idea dislodged from my brainpan. I'm a sucker for the 80's, and gentle gay romance.

86 581