Hey all! I joined the bandwagon of artists that got to try out the TourBox Neo! pix + review in thread!

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Recently I’ve been playing around with a little device called the TourBox NEO! It’s kinda like a little game controller for digital artists. I’m really enjoying it so far, and made a fun little animation with it!

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I've been using this device called TourBox NEO from for a while and I illustrated this artwork using it!

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So, sent me their Tourbox Neo and I made this drawing using it
read more info below! 👇

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I've been using the Neo by for a little while now and I really enjoy it!

Its basically a little controller that you can pair up with any program and set all your own custom hotkeys. It makes switching between mac and PC a lot easier for my brain as well ✨

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TourBox Neo(투어박스 네오) 사용해봤습니다!

단축키 키패드를 사용해보는건 처음이었는데 확실히 작업속도가 빨라지는 것 같더라구요. 입맛대로 단축키 지정할 수도 있는데 그 지정하는게 너무 재밌어서 시간을 많이 썼던 ㅋㅋㅋ (타래로)

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めっちゃ気になってたデバイスをTourBox tech.様()にいただいたので、2週間くらいじっくりと使ってみました。

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株式会社TourBox Tech様より左手デバイス「TourBox NEO」のレビューのご依頼をいただきました!今ではこれの有る無しで作業時間が1/3違いますね…!


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투어박스 네오에서 제품 지원을 받았습니다!
단축키 지정이 자유로워서 판타블렛 사용하시는 분들께 강추합니다.
할인 코드를 입력하시면 10달러 차감된다고 하니 구매하실 분들은 아래 코드를 사용하시면 됩니다~

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TourBox Tech様から
左手デバイス「TourBox NEO」をご提供いただいたので紹介漫画を描かせていただきました!
私個人は「Premiere pro」用に使用してます。


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I had the opportunity to try out the device called TourBox NEO for the last couple of months, and here's a piece I drew with the help of this device

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株式会社TourBox Tech様からTourBox NEOの実機レビューを依頼されたので1台送って頂き、使用した上で漫画描きました!


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I got the chance to try out a TOURBOX NEO and made this piece! Check my review and $10 off coupon below if you wanna try one for yourself!

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TourBox Tech Inc.()에서 🎮TourBox NEO🎮를 보내주셨어요!

손이 작은 편인데도 한손에 쏙 들어와서 적응 후엔 키보드보다 손가락에 무리가 덜 가 편했습니다!
아래 할인코드를 입력하시면 할인가에 구매하실 수 있어요☺️👍💕

구매링크: https://t.co/pMDU4pDeNf
할인코드: K-DREE

61 345

🎮()에서 TourBox NEO(투어박스 네오)를 지원 받았습니다.

단축키 사용이 편리하기 때문에 평소에 손목이 아프신분들께 추천합니다! 아래 할인코드를 입력하면 10달러 할인가에 구입할 수 있어요✨

구매 링크: https://t.co/TKtOqp0IIZ
전용 할인 코드: NO1

19 49

Illust done with TourBox NEO, it's a helpful device I've been using for a while🥰

Thanks to for sending me one to try it out, thoughts and link below!

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Hey everyone, I've been using this device for the past weeks and I want to introduce you all to the TOURBOX NEO! 🌠 It's an awesome device to help speed up artist's their work.

Thanks to for sending one out to me, review and affiliate link below!

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So I’ve been looking into express key devices for a while and I’ve recently discovered this controller device called TourBox NEO.
Basically, it’s a device that lets you assign various shortcuts/express keys to a set of buttons and dials. :D

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