Ranboo's first Persona, Lethe.

From the waters of the Underworld, Lethe inflicts enemies with forgetfulness and Ice damage!

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The Abduction of Proserpine – Alessandro Allori, 1570.
Pluto, god of the Underworld, seizes Proserpine, daughter of Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility, Ceres, and prepares to return with her to his kingdom on a chariot drawn by black horses.

12 104

"It was not a creature of their world, but they already knew that, they knew it was a creature pulled from the very centre of the underworld, a summoning."

1 0

"It was not a creature of their world, but they already knew that, they knew it was a creature pulled from the very centre of the underworld, a summoning."
ILikebigbooks epicfantasy IARTG

4 0

"It was not a creature of their world, but they already knew that, they knew it was a creature pulled from the very centre of the underworld, a summoning."

2 1

A cocktail dedicated in remembrance to our esteemed
Hades, King of the Underworld, gifted with the keen Sight of Souls // Emet-Selch, Architect and Angel of Truth // Solus zos Galvus, Emperor, theater enthusiast and patron of the Arts 🍸

19 66

¡Nueva scan de SAO War of Underworld, para la Megami Magazine, esta vez tenemos la versión veraniega de nuestra queridísima Yui!~

11 112

fck it i was gonna wait to reply to this tmrw cus i wasnt finished with my thing BUT—
i’m a demon (cough procrastinating) working a job in the underworld, which involves d e a l i n g with certain people (and pray your name isn’t on that list).

0 1

"It was not a creature of their world, but they already knew that, they knew it was a creature pulled from the very centre of the underworld, a summoning."
ILikebigbooks epicfantasy IARTG

0 0

The Wyrd West D&D gang is still kicking around in the weeby underworld, making some allies to overthrow the government!

2 9

A pic for !
Their ruler of the underworld, Eden! Out and about outside and towering over the nearby cities~!

She has an amazing design, so it was **so** much fun drawing her! Hope it came out well!

31 177

3. In loved so much that when she died he went to the to retrieve her He was told he could have her soul if he didn't look at her until out of the Underworld, he turned early and lost Eurydice forever

3 11

Limbo is where all dead end up, and there's nothing stopping them from just leaving. Nodyseus, ruler of the underworld, is distraught about the situation, as he overworks himself sorting out the dead, with repeats even, and figuring out how to still punish the guilty.

3 6

Tryyying to get back on this FFIV streaming train. Down in the underworld, translating this game! https://t.co/i7k7oPi1Lf

1 4

A Chamorro/Chamoru tale for

Chaife & The Escaped Soul:

Every culture has their own personification of death/ruler of the underworld

Ours is Chaife, the God of the Underworld, who lives in Sasalåguan (it means "Hell" in Chamorro) which is located in a volcano

7 9

Boatspider well friendly, it not talk so much but it a really good listener! I tell it all about fun Deep Cave vacation! Frogbottom does not like the spider underworld, he says it is too dark and wet, with not enough fun stuff like balloons or fire. Maybe they keep further in?

0 3

Forced to enter the Underworld, as she passed through each of its terrible gates Ishtar was forced to remove another layer of clothes. Through all the gates she went, meant to be humbled, but all it did was make the goddess more indignant.

🖼: Roomyana

12 51

Yugioh Egyptian guardians Slifer the guardian of the sky, Obelisk guardian of the underworld, Ra guardian of the land.

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Nova Scan de Sword Art Online: Alicization War of Underworld, dessa vez temos Silica com seu visual de verão. 🏖🌤

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¡Nueva scan de SAO War of Underworld, para la Megami Magazineq, esta vez tenemos a nuestra domadora de dragones, Silica, en su versión veraniega!~

12 98