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"Cuando se le preguntó cuál era el momento adecuado para la cena: Si eres rico, cuando quieras; y si eres pobre, siempre que puedas." (Diógenes)

En la cena (1883/84)

Edvard Munch 🎨

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"But his son ran unto him, and took hold of his father: and he strake of the gall on his fathers' eyes, saying, Be of good hope, my father." (Tobit 11:10-11 KJV)

Tobias healing his father's sight (1733)

Pierre Parrocel 🎨 (#BornOnThisDay in 1670)

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Mystical Morning, Algonquin 2022
Oil on canvas
12 x 16 inches
On view in the

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Good morning appreciated Dil and everyone!

Fight of Saint George with the Dragon 1606-08 Oil on canvas

🏛️ National Museum Prado, Madrid, Spain

Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640🇩🇪


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'The Big Wheel of the Fairground', by Sokoshin, 2021
🔗 https://t.co/xXRZuillEx
/ / / / / /

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Wealthy merchant John Pybus & family: apparently everyone but the baby got the memo to wear something pink.

National Gallery Victoria🇦🇺
Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland
Approx 1769

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Umberto Boccioni - Officine a Porta Romana - La brughiera (1908)

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