Four Arms with khoros in the background in the alt.

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Goop, the alt background is of his planet a bit DB inspired even though i dont watch it, id probably change this design to be a bit more greenish but I think it turned out good.

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Spidermonkey, a bit influenced by asia, even though spidermonkeys are cetral america, i didnt look i just thought it was a cool look, and remembered some monkies are in asia.

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Eyeguy based on eyeguy, though this is apart of my series i just got the idea from them, gonna comment a fully green eye version of eyeguy below.

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Ghostfreak, this redesign is in line with my sketch of a ectonurite and will require a little explanation. So my ghostfreak doesnt have arms, and instead uses short rangers telekinesis, and his tentacles. The telekinesis coming from what zs'skyar did. 1/2

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Amber's Loboan Form. And fun fact, this was the first design I ever made for her transformations.

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Clockwork one of my favorites (mouth varient in comments)

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Amber's Arburian Pelarota form. Cannonbolt is usually a pretty hard alien to make a unique form to, and I especially did not like the Gwen 10 form, but I think this one looks pretty good for Amber and keeping her form rules.

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Wildmutt but finished my device is still broken, but i wanted to try something this was a pian to do and upload.

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Fire badddddd…Heyo! Here’s one of my favorite aliens from Ben 10: Frankenstrike! Frankenstrike is a Translyian from the planet Anur Transyl!

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Una OC, Me base su diseño original en el vulpimancer de Ben, pero ese no es el Final Sino que solo lo imita a ben.

An OC, I based his original design on Ben's vulpimancer, but that's not the End, it just imitates Ben.

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