James Bond in A view to a kill..for a new book BOND;50 years in caricature..

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My Capaldi Doctor Who caricature.

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New wedding caricature.

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It could be a caricature. It could be a photo...

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The Happy Old Artist - Fred Jinkins has a new caricature. He is the Centaur and his companion is Aphrodite. His Muse.

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even gods representative on earth can admit burnout - it's a step in the right direction. my caricature.

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Artwork Gallery : Most Recent Caricature. Mom of Miss J. :)

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here is the color version I'll send you the higher rez version by e-mail

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I can draw your caricature. $100. Use it on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Here's one I drew for a priest. He got raves:

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