No hay wip antes de dormir, esta vez son los papás de Liam y OJO, SON SOLO LOS PAPÁS DE LIAM, ÉL ES ADOPTADO Y ES PRIMO DE SAM, NO HERMANOS

Datazo, el Gringo no es gringo de verdad, ni siquiera entiende un choto el inglés sksjsks
Mañana cito el tweet con + info

1 4

Did this piece of Alu for PyschoToons!

2 11

Still very much so amused with the dichotomy of not only the colors and the piece but with the colors and myself

1 2

Pinches fuerros (no)

Me da miedo llevarlo más allá de un boceto choto, perdón gigi ( sniff 😿 )

6 18

Hice 1 redraw Choto de un dibujo del año pasado hdkshd
Era 1 que hice mientras escuchaba Heat Waves
Re buena la canción

14 37

Cervo-do-Pantanal (Blastocerus dichotomus)

É o maior cervídeo sul-americano, podendo pesar até 125 quilos e ter até 127 centímetros de altura.

Ocorria desde o sul do rio Amazonas até o norte da Argentina, mas atualmente, a espécie só é comum no Pantanal.

3 38

🥀 The Fallen One 🥀

The dichotomy of good and evil is as old as the story of the world, and timeless in its relevance to just about everything we do in life. What are good and evil, really, but stupid categories?

0.1 $ETH

0 2

🥀 The Fallen One 🥀

The dichotomy of good and evil is as old as the story of the world, and timeless in its relevance to just about everything we do in life. What is good and evil, really, but stupid categories?

*Includes Unlockable Content*

1 7

For my first art of 2022... Here's Phas again, but alongside her a newcomer.

Julius, a fellow djinn. He's a lot more charismatic than Phas, but...also a lot less moral. Naturally they form a fire/ice dichotomy.

3 11

Boceto choto de los niños groseros-
ah q- señores
viejos sabrosos

7 40

perdon por el sketch choto, nomas lo hice para ubicar a cada uno, pero ahi esta owo

6 57

So I left it for a few months and finally returned to it this year. I focused on pushing that dichotomy of the character through the lighting. It took a lot more work after the changes, but I'm so happy with how this one turned out!

A true tribute to a fav character🥰

1 5

Hola les gusta mi nuevo banner? lo hice muy a la rápida y sin boceto con un crossover choto

1 10

Es el primer dibujo en mucho tiempo que digo, man, no podes ser tan choto

20 96

Ron da error me gusto pero solo vi la mitad, perdón XD

Dibujo choto

37 573

Quería prácticar chibis y bueno salió chibi red choto (?.

0 2

The dichotomy of an artist: make something you love, surround yourself with it until it tortures you.

1 33

egirl gf, podcaster bf. The eternal dichotomy.

2 27