My is kinda all over, but damn if these weren’t some of the most influential art/storylines of my early days and I still have a huge soft spot for all of them. ☺️❤️

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My is either sparkly cuteness, or fighting monsters. There is no between.

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My i read all these when i was little .////. and they keep inspiring me today

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Seeing as everyone else is doing it!

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“Peanuts” and “Calvin and Hobbes” have been part of my since childhood.
“Azumanga Daioh” taught me to find humor in the cute and mundane.
“Megatokyo” was a major influence in getting me into Internet comics.

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I would always get 10 Garfield books from the library and read them over and over again when I was little, Rayearth was my gateway in to manga, Naruto helped me find friends, and fma helped me bond with my sib when times were tough

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I grew up without reading Marvel and DC so this is my

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Love this new trend! So here’s mine. Storm was my first favorite superhero. Then came Superman after reading kingdom come. Then Shonen jump champs like Naruto. Huge fan of all Naruto not just the lil kid days. And Inio Asano is a drama genius 😆

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I love seeing everyone else’s so here’s mine

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Here you go. Some of the stuff that was actually very formative for baby-Phin

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Yooo, 4 most memorable ones are here. There's a lot more tho. Also, bunch of shoujos, duh!

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This are the earliest comics I read, stuck with me and have a special place in my heart 💜

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this is the stuff I had as a kid/tween/teen that I read over and over.. shout out also to the dozens of other webcomics I read (unsounded, namesake, go get a roomie, girlbot, roommates, etc.)

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