Le "Not so forever alone" est un marathon de dessin organisé à l'occasion de la, si tendre et si chère, fête de la saint valentin qui approche . Plusieurs artistes se relaient pour vous dessiner des merveilles sur ce thème croustillant !
💖 https://t.co/Y4lgNysKHB

1 6

Ludicrously large cigars is a very good aesthetic.
So are stupidly huge cheeks too, btw.

54 292

Fanart is Good.
1 Wonder-Gracyanne
2 Simply-Lewdricrous
3 Inflatophiliac68
4 CottonCatTailToony

0 9

2017先行通販グッズからモバイルバッテリーをご紹介!microUSB端子ケーブル内蔵、USB出力端子も備えてますのでiPhone等でもお手持ちのケーブルを使って充電可!アンドロイドタブレットも充電できました♪ https://t.co/ByWldajZOf

15 102

How ludicrously beautiful is this rose?

0 4

... Is it just me, or are Laura's fingers ludicrously too long...?

30 236

🍴Cuisinez la de la galette croustillante de Crozets à la Tome des jouez & partez à https://t.co/Q00fz27oZe

5 10

The velocity at 30k on a 2X run. Not ludicrous speed yet. You'll be fine.

11 44

ludicrous って ridiculous の変な言い方だろうか、と思ったら同じような意味の別単語だった。しかも ridiculous の方が i が一文字多いだけのアナグラムという。

0 0

Ludicrous hipster ways of serving food coming soon to a restaurant near you, by

321 275

for ! This prompt was ludicrously more fun than it should have been!

7 29

New Hell Strawberry (french version) in progress. This will be this kind of ludicrous thing.

0 1

this was drawn for me by the LUDICROUSLY talented . best thing ever. everyone go check out her stuff NOW!

1 14

Water color series of animals, birds by Dean Crouser


10 21

Dean Crouser, Oregon wildlife artist, ‘Red Cardinal bird’. PhotMayhemandMuse

9 17

Recette: mousse de fraises sur lit croustillant au blanc, par http://t.co/CUyVKgLDLr

0 1

【ej】スマートフォンでキーボードやマウス、USBメモリが使える!【変換名人】microUSBホストケーブル(20cm)microUSB(オス… [楽天] http://t.co/jFsctwPYe2

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