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#Arte #ArtLovers
“Io non so ancora se esista il presente. Per questo, mi documento.”
#NatiOggi Domenico Gnoli (Roma,1933-New York,1970)
Il grande letto azzurro,1965
Scarpa di fronte,1967
Born #OnThisDay in 1740: French painter #AntoineVestier (1740-1824)
Portrait of the Artist's daughter #MarieNicoleVestier (1767-1846), 1783
#Vestier #FrenchArt #WomenArtists
Domenico Theotokópoulos, called El Greco, The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577 https://t.co/Q2pbkOizao #europeanart #domenicotheotokópoulos
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
@BaroneZaza70 @agustin_gut @erminiopasquat1 @migliaccio31 @albertopetro2 @ValerioLivia @DavLucia @GiuseppeTurrisi @Asamsakti @cecchi_giovanna @GerardLDonadoni @AnnaCountessK @gori_magnani @metmuseum @FrankCapitone @PasqualeTotaro @redne2013 @MariangelaSant8 @Rebeka80721106 @angelicadisogno @artmajcar @AlessandraCicc6 @ManuelaDora Grazie Luigi, buon risveglio,di Domenico Fetti
ho scelto la sua versione della Maria Maddalena Penitente @BaroneZaza70 @albertopetro2 @agustin_gut @gori_magnani @artmajcar @migliaccio31 @erminiopasquat1 @ValerioLivia @Rebeka80721106 @Sensibilia8 @claudioborlotto
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
L'opera “Kyiv Subway”realizzata dalla illustratrice ucraina Maryna Solomennikova sulla parete dell'altare della chiesa dell'Istituto Suore Francescane di Napoli durante la messa del giovedì Santo tenuta dall'arcivescovo Domenico Battaglia. L'opera si ispira a Tatiana Bliznyak.
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact the journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills story really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
Zdarsky y Di Giandomenico siguen trasteando con esa historia del viaje de Bruce Wayne conocida por todos, pero esta vez con sus propios giros. Así que es una lectura fresca pero con elementos que conoces o como mínimo, te suenan. Para mí, ha ido de menos a más.
More of the formative years of Bruce's Wayne's training As compelling as it is to see him acquire physical skills the comic really shines in emotional impact this journey is taking as well as moral cost involved @zdarsky #DiGiandomenico Full review -> https://t.co/Xz8eZRC988
This might be one of my favorite Batman comics ever. The creative team sings on what’s mostly an action oriented look into Bruce’s training. Giandomenico’s sequences are out of this world and the fights all feel fluid and rigorous.
Llegamos al ultimo pack de facciones. Nos desbloquea Pergamo que es una mezcla de griegos y helenicos con algun toque barbaro, Cimeria que es mitad griego mitad nómada, y Colchis, mitad griego mitad oriental
Batman: The Knight 7 will feature a story of Bruce, Zatara, & Zatanna
Cover by Carmine Di Giandomenico
Variant by @RicFederici
#SoffiDiVita a #CasaLettori
Ci terremo semplicemente per mano e andremo con passo leggero, dicendo cose insensate, stupide e care.
(Dino Buzzati)
🎨 Domenico Baccarini