Il 1099 moriva Eletto a Terracina (a Roma c'era l'antipapa Clemente III). Continuò la lotta contro Enrico IV per la questione delle investiture. Nel 1095 convocò il Concilio di Clermont-Ferrand, l'occasione per bandire la prima crociata. Venerato come beato.

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Morning errands🌤️

Art finished for

15 221

Meanwhile....somewhere beyond the mysterious lands...

Snow Kite doing his early morning errands...

27 195

kk me pediram pra desenhar isso durante a live faz um bom tempo (só to desenterrando mesmo, existe uma fodida diferença entre eu desenhando correndo pra render 3 lives de 3 horas e eu desenhando uma arte em 7 dias sem um cronômetro

11 83

Sweating In My Undies cuz the Heat Index is 106F 🥵

Had to get out to run errands to earlier & came back a very melted Spoonkie. 🥄

3 9

Thanks for the tag wifey💕

kemono velum be a speedy boi, he takes his job as an errand runner srsly


1 4

Se presenta "O.N.G.E.K.I. Memory" y "End Chapter" que estará cerrando la historia principal de ONGEKI. También se presenta la carta [SSR] Hoshizaki Akari [Memories of O.N.G.E.K.I.] ¿Será el final de la serie?

1 2

- Depois de semanas sem fazer uso de tinta e pincel, volto extremamente enferrujado e errando pinceladas, mas bastou colocar um bom som que depois de alguns minutos já estava zero bala de novo.

0 9

Thank you for hosting! I have no real plans this weekend aside from some minor errands and a lot of art 💙 And nothing makes me happier than that.

8 21

Got some progress in before running errands

0 7

have you finished those errands
eeeyy squidward

1 9

Good morning (*´ω`*) I'll be out today to get some irl errands done. I'll announce the winners tomorrow!

1 21


Cerrando los ojos parece que te transportas a otro mundo.
No parece ser buena idea quedarse mucho ahí.

Dibujos que alegran la vida. ✌️😁

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after running errands for a few days, it feels nice to just stay at home and paint.

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never send belphie on an urgent errand

77 579

We do say 'howdy' round these here parts in the morning, partner...!

Good wolfin' mornin!

time to run a huge amount of errands

1 16

Got some errands to run do ask me some stuff while I’m out

0 1

Los 8 capítulos restantes se enfocarán en enseñarnos la vida de Adrien enamorándose de alguien más y viviendo feliz. Todo desde la perspectiva de una Marinette fantasma, al estilo “los fantasmas de las navidades pasadas” cerrando así la serie2/2

0 9

Still have a couple slots open for these, dm to claim! (running lots of errands this morning but I'll get back to you by the end of today) Rts appreciated!💖

11 22