2020-05-23 Mini + glow up Adyana(?), attempted a different way of painting for each one. She’s got spirit ✨

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2020-05-21 Found some relaxation painting shapes light and color on this one. I might force this character into some things I want to work on in the future

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2020-05-17 Experimental color thing with some Homeworld vibe

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2020-05-16 sketch portrait, played too much games today __(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

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2020-04-29 That’s no bear kill Ivan

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2020-04-25 Photostudies, would like to return to an old project that involves a lot of stronghold warfare, so it’s kind of preparation. It also involves the throne room I gave a crack at a few days ago

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2020-04-18 if I really had time like when I was younger, I’d build this in X-Plane and give it a test flight

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2020-03-31 Ground Control to Major-chan, your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong, can you here me Major-chan?

She’s just vibing though

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2020-03-27 ye’olde spinwheelie

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2020-03-26 Making the Schloop Run in less than 12 Mickles.

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2020-03-21 I liked learning about the yokai “Amabie” (アマビエ), which can cure the sick. It’s a very wholesome thing to become popular in these times and I’m always interested in learning more about Japanese culture! Please stay safe everyone!

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2020-03-06 Please accept Feral chan, aka Fera, into your hearts insteadofmyperspectivehomeworkcough

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