Hi! I'm learning and exploring. I'm just trying to unlock the secrets of my soul that have been buried under life's obligations.

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Playing more Hollow Knight tonight. Taking on a few bosses and doing some exploring.

7PM MT @ https://t.co/YdYKVP7TD4

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Even though I’ve had other fandoms in the past but 2019 is the first year I started doing fan arts. Still learning and exploring. Hope to continue next year! 💪

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Top surgery is tomorrow morning 🏩
I just arrived in Montreal and I’m spending the day with my beeb exploring.

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Made some icon things for everyone in the main team in Wishful Thinking with what is basically the characters focus when exploring.

This is also the announcement of the team name.

Team Wishes. The full team!

Thanks to everyone who enjoys reading my comic and likes my art!

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More Figma shenanigans, I’m trying to push this tool to the limit. Illustrator still holds the sword here, but how far can I take this? Before I break this? Still exploring.

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it's fun to keep exploring.

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Some city designs for Cannon Busters. I had some fun time creating all the various locations that Philly, Sam and Casey are exploring.

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Lady in Red. One of the magics of abstract painting is the sudden appearance of unexpected images, when exploring.

Recreate your life as a new work of art. Learn how! https://t.co/fYA3BWTTFz

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OK finally got the png of this to work!!! Meet pordesul, she sells wares she finds while exploring. She loves to chit chat, but you gotta buy something first

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A personal character project I’m currently having fun exploring. Meet Mo the Mothman and Yoko the koi mermaid :)

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Hi Im Gina✨I love doing traditional and digital art😌 im still learning and exploring. Follow my insta >gnabuno Hope you like what i make :)

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More messin' around, and exploring. One day my personal art time will be more than brain scribbling before shortly passing out.

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H is for Hobbes. When I was 11 or 12, we travelled all around to various colleges my sister was looking to attend. We would stop at all the bookstores, and I'd always search out the humor section. Calvin and Hobbes has remained my favorite strip to this day. Let's go exploring.

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A present for a discord friend! Emperor Lotor and Empress Allura go exploring.

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