didn't have to think twice

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a.k.a, my desert island games where i wouldnt be playing games

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I don’t know what this thing is but people are posting their favorite childhood games so here’s what I played the most as a kid

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I'm also dedicating a whole post to Baten Kaitos because I mean come ON.
The art of this game was my first introduction to nonwestern and arabesque influences in design and fashion, and changed the way I view the creative world forever

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TF2 is amazing, going strong after 10 years & still changing to this day.
Killzone has awesome story, amazing dark/indstrl artstyle to go with it.
Portal has introduced me to a new kind of game development as an FPS.
FO4 has many roads to take & great gameplay.

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Fallout 4, Portal 2, Bioshock Infinite, Pyre
All stories and characters that have stuck with me. I’ll explain my reasoning below because there’s just too much to say in one tweet.

Close runners up: Life is Strange, the first Walking Dead game, and Destiny 1 and 2

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These games made me want to work in the video games industry. They also built me and helped me become who I actually am. And I still love playing them :D

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The four sacred treasures that define me as the kind of gamer (and person) I am today. 🎮

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Choosing only four wasn't easy but these definitely left their mark on me more then most.

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its ya pal robo you already know what it is

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these games were a huge impact in my life and are the reason I love video games

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I cannot tell you how much these games mean to me
Baten Kaitos, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, aaaaand Chibi Robo!

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easy picks here. Ecco the Dolphin, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Phantasy Star 4 and Dark Souls.

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And these are very close runner ups for again, very influential over who I am as a person now

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This was so hard to only have 4, but I chose games that I always go back to even today and played a lot! Games that I'll forever keep in my collection ♥

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This one really shows how little I was into PC gaming

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let me just sneak in here real quick

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